Taxing Authority

The City is authorized to levy an ad valorem tax. This tax, assessed only on nonresidential properties within theDistrict, is limited to 2 mills.  A mill refers to the millage rate, which is the amount of tax payable per dollar of a property’s assessed value, where one mill equals one tenth of a cent. 

Operating Budget

The DID operation budget is reviewed and planned on a FiscalYear Basis and adopted as part of the City of Sarasota Financial Plan. Thefiscal year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30.  The Ad Valorem taxes collected by the City onbehalf of the DID are considered Special Revenue Funds. They are used toaccount for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than expendabletrusts and major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expendituresfor specified purposes. To account for the revenue derived from the levy ofmillage on commercial property located within the Downtown of the City ofSarasota. The DID has a variety of goals, powers and authority granted byordinance to improve the Downtown Core of the City. The Current Service Levelcontained in the Adopted Financial Plan reflects all costs necessary tomaintain City services at the same level as approved in the prior year. Any newor expanded services would initially be requested through a budget requestdesignated as an Issue. The DID’s budget focuses on the following:

 Personnel –
As stated in the ordinance, the Board has the authority to retain a manager who will serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. The personnel costs encompass the salary and benefits of the DID manager, along with the cost allocation for other City personal support.
Operating –
Pro-rated expenses related to City operations, includes but not limited to office and general supplies, computer equipment, technology charges, and cost allocations for City operating Support.
Capital Improvements –
Long-term, multi-year City infrastructure projects within the District.
Grants and Aids –
Financial support provided to others including but not limited to the Comprehensive Treatment Court, Holiday décor, art festival, storefront improvement grants, etc.
Debt Obligation –
Loan repayment for the Main Street Streetscape project.
Special Projects –
Enhancements initiated by the Board including but not limited to Downtown In Bloom, Light Fantastic, and Strategic Plan.
Marketing & Events –
Establishing and maintaining the DID’s website and social media, newsletters, and Fresh Fridays.
Added Level of Service (LOS) –
Additional maintenance and services provided by the DID that exceed what is currently provided by the City. This includes sidewalk and alleyway cleanings and theTrolley.