Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the Downtown Improvement District (DID)?
- The DID is a Dependent Special District (DSD) of the City of Sarasota
- A self-taxing agency of downtown property owners formed to design, fund and implement local district enhancements.
- Formed through legislative action by the city commission and tasked with garnering evidence and support for initiatives.

How does the DID work?
- Managed by a five-member board of downtown property owners who determine supplemental services and enhancement projects.
- The board creates a budget for services and enhancement projects which must then be approved by the city.
- Using the city’s existing tax collection services, the DID receives its earmarked funds for expenditure within the DSD.

What does the DID do?
- Spends funds for supplemental service and capital improvements beyond those provided by the municipal government.
- Creates a reliable, multi-year source of funding for local economic development.
- Serves as the implementation arm for a shared vision of the district as determined by its board of district property owners.

How does the DID add value?
- As a united group, the DID can raise more revenue and increase property values by means that are unavailable to individual property owners.
- The economic value returned to the district is expected to exceed the individual contribution by boosting consumer traffic.
- Empowers property owners via the DID board to collectively determine priorities for enhancing the district in which they already have an economic interest.

What are the DID’s goals?
- Distinguish itself from other commercial and residential districts within the region as a highly desirable place to live, work and visit.
- Retain the unique blend of sophistication and small-town charm characteristic of downtown Sarasota.
- Raise the environmental and commercial standards to a high standard of excellence.